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What will your child be learning about this school year?

The K-2 curriculum focuses on integrating most subjects into different contexts.


There are no longer separate subject areas in the report card as they are integrated into each context.


This document lists the main contexts for grade 2. This gives parents an idea of what their child will be learning about throughout the school year.


Les Contextes:



C'est quoi l'amitié?

(What is friendship?)



Pourquoi est-ce que les gens envoient des messages? Quelles sortes?

(Why do people send messages? What kinds of messages?)



Pourquoi avons-nous les sens?

(Why do we have senses?)



Qu'est-ce que je porte? Pourquoi est-ce que je porte ce que je porte?

(What do I wear? Why do I wear what I wear?)



Quels sont les mystères du temps?

(What are the mysteries of weather?)



Comment reconnaitre et décrire les monstres et les géants: existent-ils vraiment?

(How do we tell about and describe monsters and giants: do they really exist?)



Ou sont les animaux?

(Where are animals?)




Here are the different Math units that will be taught throughout the school year:


Module 1:

Les régularités.



Module 2:

Je représente les nombres jusqu'a 100.

(Representing numbers to 100.)


Module 3:

J'additionne and je soustrais jusqu'à 18.

(Adding and subtracting up to 18.)


Module 4:

Je mesure.



Module 5:

J'additionne et je soustrais jusqu'a 100.

(Using numbers up to 100.)


Module 6:

La géométrie.



Module 7:

L'analyse de données.


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